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Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Wonderful Day, Despite my Injury

Well, the North Shore Cancer Run was great.  This year's run was just perfect.  Beautiful weather, great crowd, and very well organized.  However, my calf was still hurting and I ended up running it very slow (33:47).  Better to take your time then risk a major injury.  Besides, I have a whole summer of training ahead of me and I have to be healthy.

One good thing was that I felt great at the start.  I could have run at a very fast pace if not for my calf.  So, perhaps I will run another 5K, or a 10K, later this summer to see how I can do at such a fast race once I feel better.  I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ready for 5K...sort of!

OK, so the first of my three races is this Sunday.  The North Shore Cancer Run 5K kicks off at 7:30 am the Bentley School in Salem, MA.  I ran this last year and it was so much fun.  My fellow runners were great, and the stories of hope and love were inspiring.  My favorite part about this race are the customized tee-shirts.  Everyone is running for someone and they make sure the world knows it.

Well, this year I get to do the same.  My wife made a tee-shirt for me.  On the front it says "Outrunning Cancer, In Loving Memory of Joseph Grasso".  On the back it says "Team Grasso".  Not only do I have a tee-shirt, but so does my pit crew.  My wife and kids all have the same shirt.  How's that for fun, inspiration, and love all wrapped in a tee-shirt.

Only one problem right now.  I have a small pain in my left calf.  It seems to be healing fine, but I am a little worried I may not be able to run.  If that's the case, I'll walk, shuffle, sashay, or stroll.  Whatever gets me from the starting line to the finish line.  It's more important that I'm there and giving my support to the cause, than if I run fast!  The first of three races.  Upward and onward to the half marathon and the marathon!  Wish me luck! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 miles!

I just did my first 10 mile run!  I'm happy to report that I feel great and I am looking forward to longer distances!  Something about long distance running.  Some say it's lonely, as was the case in Alan Sillitoe's 1959 short story, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, also a 1962 movie based on the story (and a song by Iron Maiden, but that one's less well known).  However, I disagree.  I love it.  It gives me time to collect my thoughts and be a little more introspective about my life and running.  Yes, I often run with my Ipod on listening to Podcasts, but I often go without.  Today, I confess, I went with the Ipod.  That doesn't mean I didn't keep my mind working.  Mainly, I was focused my physical condition to make sure I did not over work myself.  I was originally planning on only running 9 miles, but I felt so good at the end that I tacked on the extra mile to round it out to an even 10 (besides, 10 miles comes with more bragging rights!)  Anyway, looking forward to longer runs and, hopefully, faster times (I did 10 in 1:33:58 with two stops).

Happy Running!