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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goal Setting

Set goals that will push you beyond what you think you can accomplish.

I read this once in some training materials that I received from my employer.  Goal setting is something one needs to do in every aspect of their life, not just at work.  Seems to me that running a marathon fits the description above.  It's not going to be easy, but it's a worthy goal.

The alternative is to set goals that are easy.  Where it he challenge in that? If you know you can do it, without much effort, then why do it?  It's much more exiting and rewarding to do realize a goal that was a difficult.

I guess I have always done this.  When I was a senior in high school my guidance councilor guided me towards colleges that were easy to get into.  I thought she was nuts!  Yeah, you have to have a safety school (one you are guaranteed to get into) but thought it was better to try for harder schools.  I did that, and got into one of my reach schools, Skidmore College.  Once there, I continued the trend and stretch myself outside of my comfort zone.  I still do that today.

Doc Brown, the crazy doctor who invented a time machine in the 1985 movie Back to the Future, would say "if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."  I'll amend that to include your body too.

Go out and achieve something!


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