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Friday, July 20, 2012

Plug for ""

So, I've been logging my workouts on, which is affiliated with  I have to say, this site is the best site to keep track of your workouts.  You can log everything you want from a walk to a swim, and everything in between.  You can even keep a food journal.  No only that, if you have a GPS watch, or an i-phone, you can upload your workout data with easy.

I map my runs ahead of time so that I know the route before I hit the road.  It works great.  Then you can monitor your progress when you run that route again in the future.  The mapping feature is easy to use and you can view your route multiple ways, including a profile of the elevation changes.

Another cool feature is that you can checkout how your friends are doing.  It's set up like a social networking site, so you can friend people you know, then either compete with them or encourage them to keep up the good work. 

If you want to follow my workouts, you can go to, look me up, and then you can see how I'm doing.  You can send me notes to encourage me, or just sit back and see the progress.  Better yet, you can start logging your own workouts!!  So get outside, hit the road or the trail, and run happy!

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