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Friday, July 6, 2012

Ready to Get Back Out There

After much needed rest, I think I'm ready to get back out there and hit the road.  Well, as I said earlier, I think I'll hit the trail instead.  Trail running can be easier on the body because of the increased shock absorption of the trail surface, so may be my joints and muscles will be less injury prone.  Pavement and other hard surfaces do not provide any shock absorption, so that may have contributed to my injury.  So, I'll take it slow and easy and be gentle on the body before I jump back into my Marathon training mode. 

I've created a marathon training plan, based on the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST) 3plus2 training program.  3 key runs per week and 2 (or 3) cross training seasons per week.  Lots of work, but lots of fun too!  Looking forward to it! 

Find a fun trail to run near you here! Your body will thank you!

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