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Saturday, August 11, 2012

20 miles!

I just ran 20 miles.  Wow. I feel ... tired.  But not too tired to continue on.  My workouts have been great lately.  I ran 7 miles on Thursday like it was nothing.  I ran 16 miles, all on trails, while in New Hampshire last weekend.  It was spectacular!  Best of all, I am still receiving donations.  Every donation goes a long way, and helps keep me motivated.

While I was running today I had my I-pod on shuffle.  A John Denver song came on that I think sums up the long distance running experience quite well.

Sometimes I fly like an eagle
And sometimes I'm deep in despair

The despair comes when you are very tired, and every muscle aches.  But the flying happens when you are just cruising along and everything is going your way!  Most of the time I'm flying.  When the despair comes, I just think about flying. 

Check out the entire song by John Denver, Looking for Space.  It's a beautiful song!

Run happy!

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