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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Running and Overcoming Adversity

Running can teach you ways to overcome adversity.  In fact, I just finished a book by ultra marathon runner Scott Jurek, entitled Eat and Run (a great book, which I highly recommend).  In his book Scott described a four step method he uses for dealing with issues, such as injuries, that come up during training or a race.  This method could be applied to any aspect of life, so I thought I would share it here.

The four steps are:
  1. acknowledge how you feel;
  2. take stock of your situation; 
  3. think about how to remedy the situation; and 
  4. separate negative thoughts from reality. 
Seems pretty straight forward.  Lets look more closely.

Acknowledge How You Feel
Are you angry, sad, disappointed?  Is there pain?  Is it unbearable?  It's OK to express how you feel and accept it, no matter how strong or weak the emotion.  The important thing is to recognize your feelings and comprehend them.

Take Stock of Your Situation
Objectively evaluate your situation.  List the positive and negative aspects of your situation.  Assess what you have at your disposal to continue on and reach your intended goal.  This is your opportunity to list the who, what, when, where of your situation.

Think About How to Remedy the Situation
Now that you have acknowledged your feelings, and you have objectively evaluated the facts, you can figure out what to do next.  How are you going to reach your goal?  What is your game plan?  How do you implement that game plan?  This is where strategy comes into play.  The better your strategy the more likely you will achieve your goal.

Separate Negative Thoughts from Reality
A game plan is only 1/3 of the solution.  The other 2/3s are implementation and positive attitude.  Implementation is easy.  You have a plan, now do it.  However, if you have any doubts, you may not be able to effectively implement your plan.  So, you need to eliminate your doubts and move forward with out any hesitation.  If you have effectively done steps 1 through 3, you can tell yourself that the reality is that you have a plan, your are ready to go, and you know you can do it.  Keep those negative thoughts out of your head, maintain a positive attitude, and you are more likely to succeed. 

Running can be so much fun!  Life is like a good long run.  You should enjoy every minute of it...the beauty, the challenge, and the success!  Run happy, and have fun!

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