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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Its been a while...

So, it's been a while since I posted.  I've been a little busy, but that's OK.  Allow me to recap:
  • 8/15 - Went to Wisconsin for business and ran 5 miles along Lake Superiror.  What a spectacular run!  The mist off the lake first thing in the morning was absolutely stunning.
  • 8/17 - Ran 8 miles at a very strong pace.  I was very pleased with my speed and will continue working on that.  I think I may have a decent time in the marathon.  I guess the training is paying off.
  • 8/19 - Ran 12 miles like it was nothing.  It felt really good, and once again I ran at a very good pace.

This week, I'm gearing up to run 17 miles on Sunday.  So far so good!

On another note, I've been reading a new book.  Terry Fox, His StoryTerry Fox was a young athlete in Canada who was diagnosed with bone cancer and lost his leg at mid thigh.  With a prosthetic leg he ran across Canada in 1980 to raise money for cancer research.  He called it the Marathon of Hope.  His path was to run over 5300 miles from St. Johns, Newfoundland to the Pacific coast.  He made it to Thunder Bay, Ontario (3339 miles) before he had to stop for health reasons.  Terry died in 1981 due to complications from cancer.  Since 1981, the Annual Terry Fox Run has taken place across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

The book contains excerpts from Terry's personal diary.  On April 26th 1980 he wrote "I want to set an example that will never be forgotten.  It is courage and not foolishness.  It isn't a waste."

Terry's selfless, relentless, running is more inspiring than you can possibly imagine.  If he can run 3339 miles, in tremendous pain, I'll be fine.  Besides, it's a selfless act that I am performing for others.  It isn't a waste.

Be inspired!  Run and have fun!  Run for someone else!  It isn't a waste!

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