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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Runner's Rhythm

"The rhythm of life is when you experience your own body, mind and soul."
-- Quote from Yogi tea bag

I read this quote on my tea bag earlier today.  I got me thinking about running. 

I love just heading out for a run.  Just run and have fun.  I doesn't matter to me if plan in place, such as a specific distance, pace, or time, or if I am just heading out without any plan at all.  I just like running.  It's fun.  I know for many non-runners this sounds crazy, but to me it is fun.  As the good Theodor Geisel once wrote, "These things are fun and fun is good".

For runners, like myself, we feel more connected with our body's when we run.  When you know your body, you know how fast you can run, or how far you can go, and you don't need a chart, GPS watch, or heart rate monitor to tell you this.  If you feel that rhythm, and you can ease into it, you will run just right.  I've heard it called the Goldilocks zone.

That's the way running should be.  When you are fully connected to your body, and you understand your body's rhythm, you can develop a stronger connection to your mind.

On my last run I found a wonderful rhythm and during that run I was able to focus my mind so well on what I was doing and where I was going.  It was great.  I was in that zone, in the moment, and nothing could have distracted me from that.  I ran well, and I felt great.  My mind was clear, and my body was relaxed. 

After I read the quote I realized that while running in this state I was becoming more connected to my soul.  Who am I as a person can be found while running.  Wow, that's cool.  You should try it.

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