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Sunday, October 14, 2012

One week until the Baystate Marathon, and I feel great!

I feel as great as I can feel right now, considering I had the flu earlier this week.  However, despite the lingering ills, it's amazing how my body feels right now.  I have never felt so in shape.  I'm not in the same shape as the incredible athletes seen this summer in London, but I have come a long way from the 230 pound guy I was back in June 2010.  I used to say that I was in the best shape of my life when I was a senior in high school and that I've gone down hill ever since.  I take that back Now!  I think I am in the best shape of my life!

It sounds crazy that at 38 I am finally hitting my stride (pun intended), but its true.  I am now 190 pounds!  40 pounds less than I was in June 2010.  Amazing, huh!  I'm stronger than I was at the beginning of this summer, and I am faster. 

I'm not the only person who has lost weight, and gotten healthy.  In fact, I've lost weight before, only to gain it back.  The difference this time is that I have found a lifestyle that I love even more than the lifestyle I previously lead.  You couldn't even drag me down that old road again!  I am never going back to that sedentary lifestyle, with fast food, sugary baked goods, and tons of meat.  All that is gone from my life (except for the cider donuts we enjoy every fall up here in New England!)

Anyway.  Marathon Sunday is in one week, and I am so looking forward to it.  Someone today said to me "Are you really going to run a Marathon?  26 miles?  That sounds awful!"  Not to me.  It sounds like only the tip of the ice burg!  Could an ultra-marathon loom on the horizon?  Who knows!  But first, let me see how the Marathon goes.  Then, maybe, I'll consider other options.

Safe running my friends!

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