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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hard is good

A difficult challenge is hard.  Overcoming a difficult challenge feels good.  Therefore, hard = good.  I can lay it out like a math problem.  If, C = Challenge, H = Hard, and G = Good, then:

C = H
C = G
H = G

It's that simple.  I've done some hard workouts lately.  20 miles on Saturday.  A 10 mile bike ride on Monday.  Almost 6 miles yesterday, which involved running 1200 meters (3/4 of a mile) at a sprint pace, four times in a row, with little rest in between.  Finally, a 16 mile bike ride today.  All where hard.  All were good! 

The running was harder than the biking.  But, despite the difficulty, when I was done, I felt great.  I kept telling myself that hard is good.  I kept telling myself 'if others, who face more adversity than I do, could do greater things, I surely can do this'.  It's all about perspective. 

Running 26.2 miles is hard, for sure, but there are those in life who have done much harder things.  I can start listing them here, but this entry would not end if I did.  Suffice to say, if you were to take 5 minutes and think about what could be harder than running 26.2 miles, you wouldn't be finished when your time was up.  I think about this every time I head out for a run, or hit the gym.  You should too next time you face a challenge.  It may be hard, but hard is good!

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