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Monday, April 23, 2012

One of those days

Rain. Heavy Rain. Very Heavy Rain. Today was one of those days you just want to curl up and get back under the covers and stay in bed. But, alas, there are forces that propel us forward. Thus, I started my day, a bit begrudgingly, as I crawled out of bed and headed downstairs to the sound of scornful rain drops pattering the kitchen window. While I was not brave enough to go out and run today (I believe I heard the phrase "Pea Soup" from the weather guy on the radio in my car) I did manage to haul myself to the gym. After warming up on a stationary bike, I ran.

Like most runners, I loath the treadmill. I'm not completely against running on treadmills, but there is nothing like the clear air and open space that comes with running out doors. However, I had a bit of a different experience today. For some reason, I found the experience more beneficial, as I practiced running at different paces. It was fun to change speeds and see how easy I held pace.

Perhaps treadmills are not so bad after all!

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