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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fairwell Caballo Blanco

Caballo Blanco, the "White horse", died on March 27 while running in Gila National Forest, in southwestern New Mexico.  His real name is Micah True and he was a captivating ultramarathon runner profiled in the book Born to Run, by Chris McDougall.  I, along with a fair number of runners, was inspired to challenge myself to become a better runner after reading this book.  Caballo Blanco, what the Tarahumara Indians of northwest Mexico called Micah as he ran tirelessly through the Copper Canyons of Mexico, was an enigmatic figure in the book.  He represented the freedom that runners seek when the set out on the road, or on a trail.  For him running was about forging a peaceful mind-body connection with the land.

Caballo Blanco's simple view of life and running inspired me to become a better person, and to run free, and run happy.  Hopefully his story will inspire you too.

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