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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Painful Memories

My father-in-law, Jerry Alimenti, was diagnosed with melanoma last summer. He had a mole removed and seemed to be doing well.  We just learned this week that two lymph nodes in his neck were tested and found to have cancerous cells and he will have to have surgery.  While he seems to be in good spirits and not that worried, I think he is just trying to put on a brave face.  I commend him for doing this in the face of so much uncertainty.

All this brings back painful memories of when my father was sick with cancer.  He had melanoma and leukemia and was undergoing successful treatment for both for 7 years.  I was a freshman in high school when he was first diagnosed, so I did not have a complete grasp of the situation for the first few years.  But when I was starting my senior year in college and we learned that he had malignant tumors in both his hips, I remember being really scared and worried.  Those memories were brought to the surface again this week when I learned about my Jerry's situation.

At this point, all I can do is keep Jerry in my prayers and hope that the surgery is a success. 

Keep running!

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