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Monday, May 21, 2012

I made it to 8.5 miles!

The longest distance I ran prior to Saturday was about 8 miles.  I ran 8.5 this Saturday and I felt great!  A small victory, for sure, but now is the time for me to start increasing my long run distances, and I was worried that I may be in pain on Saturday.  The fact that I felt great, and felt like I could have done more, was encouraging.  It means the cautious approach I have been taking so far is working. I am traveling next weekend, so no long run for me.  June 2nd will be a 9 mile run.  It won't be long before I break into double digits!

On another note.  June 24th is fast approaching, and I am still way behind with my fund raising.  While I have until September 30th, I would like to break $1000 by June 24th, and that is less than $300 away.

If you reading this and have not already sponsored me, please do!

If you know someone who would like to sponsor me, please tell them!

Visit my fundraising site:


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