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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Put off for way too long

I've be neglecting to write about my brother-in-law, Bill Leavey who had a scare with cancer a few years back.  Cancerous cells were identified in his eye.  He underwent treatment at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and had wear an eye patch.  He stayed with me and my family during while he underwent treatment, since he lives in Vermont.  It was indeed a scary time.  I love Bill very much and it hurt to see him so uncomfortable.  What more, it was scary thinking about the prospect that the treatment might not work.

I've known Bill since I was 13 years old.  He is as much a brother to me as my own brother, so you can imagine how I felt seeing him this way and worrying that we might loose him.  He is great person, and a wonderful father.  This scare effected everyone in our family, and while in the end the treatment worked, I don't think any of us will forget it.  Bill demonstrated a tremendous amount of strength and courage dealing with this situation.

After this situation concluded, Bill felt as if he had a new lease on life.  I was proud of Bill for reflecting on his life the way he did.  He ultimately made some life changing decisions, which I will not discuss here.  Suffice to say, today he is happy and doing well, for which we are all grateful.  I am proud to be running for Bill, and respect him so much for his strength and perseverance.  

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