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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

No Meat Athlete

OK, so, I'm not a vegetarian (but I sometimes pretend to be).  I don't eat a lot of meat anymore, but I don't avoid meat either.  My doctor once told me that our ancient ancestors generally ate lots of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts (because they were easy to find) and once a year they killed a wooly mammoth and ate it.  That's about how often we humans were designed to eat meat.  However, modern society has made meat so plentiful and easy to get, we just take it for granted that we can eat meat every day, at every meal.  I try, as best I can, to eat like our ancestors.  Although, some days I just crave meat.  Nothing wrong with that again.

So, where am I going with this, well as you can see from the title, there is such a thing as a No Meat Athlete.  In fact, there is a whole website dedicated to the topic, call (duh) No Meat Athlete!  Looks really interesting.  In fact, one of the best long distance runners in the world (actually, he's an ultramarathoner), Scott Jurek is not only a vegetarian, but a vegan to boot!  There is something to be said for running on plants, huh!  Perhaps I'll give it a try.

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