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Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Runner's Prayer

The following was the opening prayer at church a few weeks ago.

Divine Physician, healer of bodies and souls, stretch out your hand and touch us.  Recreate us in your own image, and restore us in Christ, so that we may run the race and receive the prize of everlasting life.

While I realize this prayer has a deeper meaning than running, I couldn't help but adopt this payer as my own running prayer.  The way I look at it I'm doing more than just running.  My prize is not simply a metal, or a personal best time.  My prize is not my own, it's the families that will benefit from my efforts.  The ultimate prize is everlasting life.  I'd give up some of that everlasting life if I could help someone else live a little longer, and a little more comfortably in this life.  It's the least I can do.

What are you doing?  Get out and run!  Do something incredible!

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