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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trail Running is Fun

I decided to go for a run after work yesterday.  I thought a nice relaxing trail run would be a good change of pace.  Since I am coming off the half marathon my training plan says I should have done an easy 4 to 5 miles yesterday.  So, I found a route that was about 4.5 miles.  I choose a trail run because I haven't run on a trail in a while.  I was warned by one of my co-workers that I might see a few deer along the way.  Sure enough not five minutes into the run there were two does (that's female deer, not does or does not) staring at me.  They were about 5 feet off the trail, so I was a bit startled to be so close all of a sudden.  They, on the other hand, were not startled.  I guess they are used to us crazy runners in the woods.

I plodded on, working my way up Mt. Joy (aptly named, since I was having so much fun).  This is in Valley Forge Historic Park in Pennsylvania.  I am working out of my company's office down here this week.  I have never run this route before, so it was fun to be exploring a new route.

I continued on to the top of Mt. Joy, only to be greeted by two more deer.  This time it was two young bucks.  I was worried that the bucks might be more aggressive than the does, so I tried to avoid any sudden movements.  They were un-phased by my presence.  I guess they too are accustomed to crazy humans running along in the woods for no apparent reason what-so-ever.

The trail wound down the opposite side of the hill.  I say hill because for all intents and purposes, Mt. Joy is a hill.  It may have the prestigious title of mountain, but it's just a hill.  Now going over this hill required an elevation gain of 560 feet, so it's not tiny.  For someone like me, who does not run over mountains on a regular basis, it's a bit of a challenge, but in the grand scheme of trail running as a sport, it's small potatoes.

I continued on down the opposite side, then up another smaller hill, where the trail narrowed to the point where only one person can pass at a time.  A sharp drop was on one side of me, and a sharp incline on the other.  This was a fun goat trail!

I came to the end and turned around to head back to my car.  After completing the route I felt great.  I wasn't tired, I wasn't sore, and I was having fun.  The sun had not gone down yet and I had plenty of time until sunset.  So I thought to myself, should I do it again?  That would be 9 miles!  Hmmmmm?

So, I turned around, and with a smile on my face, I repeated the joyful journey of surmounting Mt. Joy!  What a joy!

Run Happy!  I sure did last night!

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