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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rest in Peace Avalanna Routh

Just a quick post today.  I heard a story in the news back in February about a cute six year old girl from named, Avalanna Routh, who was suffering from a rare form of brain cancer.  Avalanna was in love with Justine Bieber and so wanted to meet him.  Now, I am too old to be a Justin Bieber fan, and I don't listen to his style of pop music, but young Mr. Bieber showed the world that he was brought up well and has a heart of gold when he visited his biggest fan, Avalanna, on Valentines Day earlier this year.  Way to go Justin!  Good job bringing joy to the heart of a six year old girl.

Sadly, it was just announced on the news this morning that Avalanna died yesterday morning.  It was heart breaking to hear of her death.  The story of Justin Bieber's bond with Avalanna is heart warming and it highlights how love and compassion are what make the human experience so incredible.  Justin Bieber did not just visit Avalanna once and then move on.  He maintained contact with her and her family, and made this young girl's last few months on this Earth so special.  Avalanna may have died too soon, but while she was here on Earth she touched many hearts, and she experienced love on a level that most people who live a lifetime will never experience.

I don't know Avalanna, but I will keep her spirit, love, and strength in my heart when I run.  Rest in Peace.

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