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Friday, September 7, 2012

Taking Stock

As of today, September 7th, and since June 1st, I have done the following:
  • Run: 264.53 miles
  • Bike: 198.03 miles
  • Swim: 6.19 miles
This adds up to a total of 468.75 miles and 65.36 hours of training.

Not bad!  Kind of puts this entire effort into perspective.  It will be interesting what this all adds up to once I run the final race on October 21st.  Now, this is still small potatoes compared to what professional athletes do, but it's pretty good for an amateur runner, father of two, with a 40 hour plus/week job.

This is where the training = sacrifice.  It's more than just the three races (which add up to 42.44 miles). It's the whole training program. 

So, if you are thinking about donating, but have not, consider these numbers.  If you have donated, and you want to donate more, consider what all this training is worth, and the ultimate cause...helping families who are struggling to care for a loved one with cancer.  I am training for these families, as well as for those I know personally, who are or have struggled with cancer.  Keep that in mind.  I know I do!

Happy running!

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